money managment

  1. 3. to sign one’s name as the payee to cash a check
  2. 4. Account an account at a bank that allows a person to deposit and withdraw money, as well as write checks
  3. 7. when people check account balances, transfer money from one account to another, and pay bills using the internet
  4. 10. a loan on a property
  5. 11. the amount of money in a bank account
  6. 13. the name of a person written in his or her own handwriting
  7. 14. useless, invalid
  8. 15. Register a book in which people write down checks they have written and deposits they have made
  1. 1. money a person owes for a service
  2. 2. a plastic card from a bank that can be used to make withdrawals at ATM’s and pay for purchases at stores
  3. 5. a check that has been canceled ny the person or business it was made out to
  4. 6. stands for automated teller machine: a machine where people can get money from checking and savings accounts
  5. 8. money a person borrows from a bank, person, or other source
  6. 9. a written order a person fills out that directs a bank to pay money to an individual or business
  7. 12. services for your home