Money matters

  1. 2. ______ accounts are a secure means of storing money.
  2. 4. business loans require completing a _____ application.
  3. 6. description Business loans require information such as: _______ data.
  4. 7. Provide individuals and businesses with _____ access at any time through online banking, by phone and through the use of ATMs – ATMs are located .
  5. 8. Come in a variety of options to appeal to different customers – some accounts may have a monthly fee, some may have spending and withdrawal limits and some may earn interest • Include: ______ (for customers who want a reliable basic account)
  6. 9. description Business loans require information such as: product or _____ offered
  7. 12. Financial Institutions are regulated by ______and state laws and monitored through the Federal Reserve System -central bank of the United States
  8. 13. Are companies engaged in the business of dealing with the _____ transactions of individual and commercial clients.
  9. 15. Offer many services and products, such as:debit cards, ______ cards.
  10. 16. description Business loans require information such as: _________ summery
  11. 18. Checking account types: for qualifying high school and college students
  12. 19. many financial service providers offer helpful information, interactive ____,practical strategies and more to their customers.
  1. 1. for customers with no need for in-person banking services
  2. 2. Earned on bank accounts tends to utilize ____ interest
  3. 3. Offer many services and products, such as: checking accounts, _____ accounts.
  4. 4. include a wide range of organizations such as banks, savings and ____ associations,trust companies, credit unions and investment firms
  5. 5. Checking account types: for ______ owners
  6. 6. financial Institutions Exist to help individuals and businesses meet current and ____ financial goals.
  7. 10. description Business loans require information such as:sales, marketing and promotion _________.
  8. 11. Interest can be earned on the balance held in any bank account
  9. 14. Business loans require information such as: Business _______.
  10. 17. Facilitate the flow of ______ through the economy among consumers, businesses and government