  1. 5. someone who spends money carelessly
  2. 6. up put money away
  3. 7. unwilling to spend or give money,even one has a lot of it
  4. 9. a careful plan of how you will spend money
  5. 11. a sense of deep regret and guilt for some misdeed
  6. 12. someone who likes to spend large amounts of people
  7. 14. a rich person who gives money to help people who are poor
  8. 17. money that is earned from doing work or received for investments
  9. 18. someone who does not like spending money
  10. 19. willing to give more money,time,etc,than is expected
  1. 1. money that you gain by selling things or doing business
  2. 2. an individual who lacks housing
  3. 3. using money carefully and wisely
  4. 4. back shorten by cutting
  5. 7. something that you give or do in order to help something be successful
  6. 8. unwilling to spend or give money,even one has a lot of it
  7. 10. someone who does not like spending money
  8. 13. using money carefully and wisely
  9. 15. the money that people have put into the business or bank,in order to get a profit
  10. 16. an organization that gives money,goods,or help to people who are poor,sick,etc