Money Moves

  1. 1. Money you get from doing a job or getting an allowance.
  2. 4. Having enough money to buy something without worrying.
  3. 6. Using your money to get something you want or need.
  4. 7. Using your money to buy things you want or need.
  5. 9. Giving something to someone with the expectation they will give it back.
  6. 10. Giving your money to a company or a bank so it can grow over time.
  7. 11. Extra money you pay when you borrow money or extra money you get when you save money in a bank.
  8. 13. Taking something from someone with the promise to give it back later.
  9. 14. Putting money into your bank account so it's safe.
  10. 15. Keeping your money for later instead of spending it right away.
  11. 16. A place where you keep your money safe and can get it when you need it.
  1. 2. Money that a bank or friend lets you use now, but you have to pay back later.
  2. 3. Giving money for something you buy or for a service someone does for you.
  3. 5. Getting money to buy something big now and agreeing to pay it back later.
  4. 6. The amount of money you have in your bank account.
  5. 8. Money in the form of bills and coins you can hold in your hand.
  6. 12. Looking for and buying things you want or need.
  7. 14. Money you owe to someone else because you borrowed it.