Money & Shopping

  1. 3. An amount on money you ask to a bank
  2. 5. A statement indicating the money you must pay for a service such as electricity or gas
  3. 8. To ask for money
  4. 10. The amount of money accrued over a period of time
  5. 11. To put or spend money in the hopes of making a profit
  6. 13. To make ends.......
  7. 14. A place where you can buy fruits and vegetables
  8. 17. To have, to possess
  1. 1. He earns good money and he is
  2. 2. The amount of money you get at the end of the month for having worked under a contract of employment
  3. 4. An amount of money you must pay as imposed for a penalty or an offense
  4. 6. A table or surface where goods or items are placed to be charged
  5. 7. To remove money from an ATM
  6. 9. To use up or use with no profit
  7. 12. To give back or restore, especially money
  8. 15. A note your are given after you buy goods or services and states that you have paid
  9. 16. A synonym for "client"