Money Terminology

  1. 3. protection on purchases
  2. 4. how much you can spend
  3. 6. Non-Sufficient funds
  4. 8. paying bank for borrowing money
  5. 10. a bank account used for saving money
  6. 11. run out of money so you fill for this
  7. 12. object put aside so you can raise money to pay for it
  8. 13. amount you take home
  1. 1. use it to buy things, you need it to make purchases
  2. 2. a card used to make purchases
  3. 4. person who gets money if a person dies
  4. 5. Protection against disasters that happen when a family member dies
  5. 7. Saving money for education
  6. 8. the percentage of money that increases on an amount
  7. 9. When money is suppose to be paid back