Money Test Review

  1. 3. The amount of money in circulation in the US
  2. 4. These are not part of the money supply because they are a loan from a bank
  3. 8. The number of District Fed Banks
  4. 10. The buying and selling of government securities by the Fed
  5. 11. The number of ways the Fed controls the money supply
  6. 13. This is made up of currency, checking accounts, and traveler’s checks
  7. 16. Money the bank can use to make loans
  8. 19. The interest a bank charges a bank for a loan
  9. 20. This is caused by high spending as a result of high a money supply
  10. 22. The interest rate the Fed bank charges a bank for a loan
  11. 23. This is more commonly known as the Fed
  12. 24. An economic system of trading goods not money
  13. 25. A slowdown in the economy due to a decrease in the money supply
  1. 1. The deliberate control of the money supply by the Fed
  2. 2. The chairman of the Fed
  3. 5. If the Fed wants to decrease the money supply, they ____ the required reserve
  4. 6. If the Fed wants to increase the money supply, they ____ the required reserve
  5. 7. Open market purchases _____ money supply
  6. 9. The governing body of the Fed
  7. 12. A decrease in the money supply leads to high _____
  8. 14. The number of members on the Board of Governors
  9. 15. A deposit that can be withdrawn and turned into currency
  10. 17. The amount required to be kept in the bank for each account
  11. 18. Open market sales ____ money supply
  12. 21. The amount in the vault and in the district Fed bank