
  1. 1. dishonest plan, especially for getting money.
  2. 5. rises quickly to a very high level.
  3. 6. to do something, because you have the knowledge, skill, or experience that is needed.
  4. 8. or wages.
  5. 12. give someone money or property after you die by making a legal document called a will.
  6. 13. erroneous perception of reality.
  1. 2. for emphasizing how great, loud, or serious something is.
  2. 3. organization to which you give money so that it can give money and help to people who are poor or ill, or who need advice and support
  3. 4. good that happens or that you receive because of something that you have done
  4. 7. a strong feeling of wanting to hurt someone
  5. 9. large company or business organization
  6. 10. stingy person; a miser.
  7. 11. prevented by official rules from doing something