MoneyTime Modules 1-9

  1. 3. Income equals expenses
  2. 7. A job that needs filling
  3. 8. Per year is also known as per __________.
  4. 12. A person or organisation that borrows money
  5. 16. A person applying for a job
  6. 18. Money going out
  7. 19. Talking money out of a bank account
  8. 21. An expense that you choose to incur
  9. 22. The price paid for the use of borrowed money
  10. 23. Money coming in
  11. 25. Putting money into a bank account
  12. 26. Where an employer interviews a person
  13. 27. Interest earned on principal & interest
  14. 29. The amount of money borrowed / lent
  15. 30. A person or organisation that lends money
  16. 31. A tool for planning income and expenses
  1. 1. interest earned on principal
  2. 2. Income is less than expenses
  3. 4. A person who pays someone to work for them
  4. 5. A reward for competing an exam or course
  5. 6. What is PAYE refer to?
  6. 9. A person who can vouch for another person
  7. 10. Financial gain is also called _______________.
  8. 11. Bank accounts for people under 19 years
  9. 13. Putting money aside for future use
  10. 14. list of certificates, awards or prizes
  11. 15. A qualification earned after leaving school
  12. 17. The ratio of money paid as tax vs the money kept
  13. 19. Income is greater than expenses
  14. 20. Earnings after income tax is deducted
  15. 24. An expense that you have little or no choice in paying for
  16. 28. A person who works for someone else