Monique Puzzle

  1. 3. What is the groom's favourite takeout
  2. 5. What is the name of the groom's favourite family animal
  3. 7. What is the couple's favourite takeout food
  4. 9. What month is the groom's birthday in
  5. 10. Where did the couple meet
  6. 11. What do the couple love doing together
  7. 13. Where is the couple's favourite camping spot
  8. 16. What is the bride's favourite colour
  9. 17. What month is the bride's birthday in
  10. 18. Where did the groom propose
  1. 1. What is the bride's middle name
  2. 2. bride's coffee order
  3. 4. Wha tis the groom's favourite drink
  4. 6. What is the bride's favourite flower
  5. 8. What is the groom's middle name
  6. 12. How long have the couple been together
  7. 14. How many tattoos does the bride have
  8. 15. How many siblings do the couple have combined