Months and seasons!

  1. 3. You need a pair of gloves, a scarf and coat.
  2. 5. Students' day
  3. 6. The last day of the year is on 31st of...
  4. 7. Happy Easter!
  5. 10. Winter holidays
  6. 11. World Radio Day
  7. 14. The first month of the year.
  1. 1. Trick or treat?
  2. 2. It's boiling hot! I need a swimming pool!
  3. 4. "Día de la tradición" in Argentina
  4. 5. Flowers everywhere!
  5. 7. It starts in March and ends in May.
  6. 8. Manuel Belgrano died in...
  7. 9. Argentina's Independence revolution was in...
  8. 12. José de San Martín died on 17th...
  9. 13. Women's international day