Months & Seasons

  1. 2. Father's Day is in [...].
  2. 3. Mother's Day is in [...].
  3. 7. How many months are there in a year?
  4. 8. Some families celebrate Children's Day in [...].
  5. 9. This season falls on June, July and August.
  6. 10. How many seasons are there in a year?
  7. 11. Cold season.
  8. 12. Month that comes before April.
  9. 13. Seasons that comes after winter.
  1. 1. New Year's Day is in [...].
  2. 4. This season comes before winter.
  3. 5. China's National Day is in [...].
  4. 6. Christmas and New Year's Eve are in [...].
  5. 9. Month that comes after August.