Moon Rising

  1. 4. The Rainwing and Nightwing's queen
  2. 6. Moon is a _________
  3. 7. Qibli is a ________
  4. 8. Winter, Qibli, and Moon are all part of the ____ Winglet
  5. 9. The Mudwing in the Jade Winglet before he runs away with Sora to keep her safe
  6. 11. Winter is a _______
  7. 13. In the prophecy: Jade Mountain will fall beneath _______ ___ ___
  1. 1. The dragon Qibli and Winter both like
  2. 2. The Skywing in the Jade Winglet before he dies
  3. 3. The Nightwing communicating with Moon in her mind
  4. 4. Winter's Aunt
  5. 5. Kinkajou is a ________
  6. 7. Turtle is a _______
  7. 10. Moon can read _____
  8. 11. The target for the murders and the one who killed Crane
  9. 12. The Queen Qibli supports most