
  1. 2. Serves to use a CD or DVD with your computer (examples: you can watching a movie, or listening some music)
  2. 6. We use it to write on the computer
  3. 9. Use for print documents
  4. 10. It serves to save and transport datas from a computer to an other computer
  5. 11. When you wrote not in capitals
  6. 14. When you search something on Internet, you use it
  7. 19. A work computer put on a desk
  8. 20. It is a personal and compact computer that we can take everywhere with us
  1. 1. To listen something on your computer with a better sound
  2. 3. Where all your emails arrived
  3. 4. Use to write some texts
  4. 5. A free software
  5. 7. Use for organize your document; you can save document in it
  6. 8. A person in charge of a website
  7. 12. Use for protect your account
  8. 13. Serves to use easily a mouse on it
  9. 15. A person with who you can exchange emails
  10. 16. You do this when you put a software on your computer
  11. 17. You make it to have the new modifications (on a software or an application)
  12. 18. To compare and observe results