
  1. 5. The middle number in a sorted list of numbers
  2. 6. Year Old Virgin
  3. 8. 10 Things I Hate About You
  4. 11. The Waterboy's Vice
  5. 13. Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem
  6. 14. ____ to the king
  7. 15. Lord of the Rings
  8. 16. First Miracle By Human
  9. 18. Famous composition by Richard Wagner
  10. 19. The Princess and the _____
  11. 20. Father of the bride
  12. 22. Popular Quarterback For Green Bay Packers
  1. 1. President on Fire
  2. 2. Noah's First Vehicle
  3. 3. Lord of the Rings 2
  4. 4. Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker
  5. 6. Barber Bwoy Dont _____ (AKA)
  6. 7. 1986 Horror Movie about teleportation
  7. 9. President on Fire's Whitehouse
  8. 10. The Terminal
  9. 12. Excalibur
  10. 17. You shall not pass
  11. 21. Mistletoe of blood