Moses Leads the People in the Wilderness

  1. 6. Confined outside of camp for 7 days
  2. 7. They prophesied even though they remained in camp
  3. 8. "I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will surely do these things to this whole wicked community, which has banded together against me. They will meet their end in this __________; here they will die."
  4. 12. What did the 10 spies say they looked like compared to the descendants of Anak?
  5. 14. Original name of Joshua
  6. 17. Into what land did the Lord tell Moses to send spies to explore?
  7. 21. Son of Izhar who spoke out against Moses and Aaron
  8. 23. To what tribe did Korah belong?
  9. 25. Began to prophesy when the Lord placed the power of the Spirit on them
  10. 27. Spoke out against Moses for marrying a Cushite woman
  11. 28. In what place did the spies give their report to Moses?
  12. 30. God used this to bring quail to the people from the sea (3 words)
  1. 1. Which group of people of great size was mentioned that instilled fear in the spies?
  2. 2. Instructed by God to gather the censers from the remains of the men burned by the fire from the Lord
  3. 3. What came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who had opposed Moses?
  4. 4. The censers were hammered and overlayed on _______ __________.
  5. 5. Most humble man on the face of the earth
  6. 9. "The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in _______ and forgiving sin and rebellion."
  7. 10. One of the two spies who gave a favorable report
  8. 11. The Lord answered Moses, "Is the Lord's arm too ________?"
  9. 13. This group of people defeated the Israelites that tried to defy the decree of God by trying to go to the promised land anyway.
  10. 15. Refused to come when called by Moses
  11. 16. Spy who represented the tribe of Judah
  12. 18. How many spies did Moses send to explore and bring back a report?
  13. 19. The son of Nun said, "Do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them, and _______ _______ is with us."
  14. 20. Fruit brought back on a pole by the spies
  15. 22. Name given to the place where God burned the outskirts of camp
  16. 24. Only a __________ of Aaron should come before the Lord to burn incense.
  17. 26. "In the wilderness your bodies will fall - every one of you _________ years old or more who has grumbled against me."
  18. 29. Eleazar was instructed by God to gather these objects that had been used to burn incense.