Moses Part III

  1. 4. Who did God say he would send ahead of the people to destroy their enemies?
  2. 5. Convinced the Lord not to destroy His people
  3. 8. The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day ___________ __________ people died.
  4. 11. God said, "I might __________ you along the way," if He went with them.
  5. 12. What did the 12 pillars of stone on the altar built by Moses represent?
  6. 13. Where did God place Moses where he would be allowed to see the glory of God pass by?
  7. 14. Then Moses entered the cloud as he went up on the mountain, and he stayed __________ days and nights.
  8. 15. At the tent of meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a __________.
  9. 16. The punishment for those who desecrated the Sabbath
  10. 17. Who rallied around Moses when he cried out, "Whoever is for the Lord, come to me"?
  11. 18. From what tribe was Bezalel?
  12. 19. Son of Aaron and priest of Israel
  13. 20. Son of Aaron who went to the mountain to worship the Lord with Moses
  14. 21. After Moses had finished his work, the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the __________ of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
  15. 24. What part of God was Moses not allowed to see?
  16. 27. With what did the Lord strike the people for the great sins they had committed with the idol?
  17. 28. Who thought the noise coming from the rebellious camp was from a war?
  18. 29. What type of wood was used to build most of the tabernacle?
  1. 1. What metal was used in the majority of the objects placed in the tabernacle?
  2. 2. Who was the son of Uri chosen by God to do the work of constructing the tabernacle?
  3. 3. What was used to inscribe the Covenant Law on the stone tablets?
  4. 6. How much gold was used in the lampstand and all its accessories?
  5. 7. What did the Lord tell Moses that the Israelites must observe?
  6. 9. Joined Aaron, his sons, and Moses on the mountain to worship the Lord
  7. 10. What did Moses wear over his face after he had spoken to the Lord?
  8. 13. What two figures were crafted and placed on the cover of the Ark of the Covenant?
  9. 22. The men who went up to worship saw, under the feet of God, pavement made of something like __________ __________.
  10. 23. Who did the people ask to make an idol so they could worship it?
  11. 25. Into what shape was the golden idol made?
  12. 26. Who was the son of Ahisamak chosen by God to do artistic work for the tabernacle?