Most used words in 2020 - do you know them?
- 1. The 45th President of the United States
- 3. A false name given to someone seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The memes depict white women who use their privilege to demand their own way
- 5. Initially a nationwide state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a measure of preventing the spread of COVID-19. These measures later became localised
- 6. An abbreviation of a 3-word movement stimulated by the killing of George Floyd
- 7. A face covering used to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- 10. A government-backed scheme supporting workers on temporary leave of absence due to special needs of a company or employer, which may be due to economic conditions of a specific employer or in society as a whole
- 12. To quarantine oneself if one has or suspects one has a contagious disease
- 2. A term used to describe the world-wide spread of a new disease
- 3. An employee within a profession that is considered to be "essential"
- 4. A social media platform used to make a variety of short-form videos
- 8. A colloquial term used when describing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's (Harry and Meghan) departure as "senior" members of the Royal Family?
- 9. The name of a video-conferencing company. The site has been used by millions as a method of virtual communication between parties
- 11. The official name of the virus that causes Covid-19