Move Your Mood

  1. 1. Far-fetched or muscle-lengthening
  2. 3. The feeling inside
  3. 4. Engaging in the same activity
  4. 6. Quicker than walking
  5. 8. H2O positive
  6. 13. More than one length
  7. 15. One foot in front of the other
  8. 17. A mood-lifting blood compound
  9. 18. Food gone bad on purpose
  10. 20. The physical world
  11. 21. Like a corpse
  12. 22. A lifting thrust or mean person
  1. 1. The hottest room in most gyms
  2. 2. Crushed cacao
  3. 5. A good time
  4. 7. Growing from scratch
  5. 9. ____ like nobody's watching
  6. 10. A form of play or sport
  7. 11. A happy gathering
  8. 12. They swim upstream
  9. 14. Vitamin D boosting rays
  10. 16. There are many ways to do it, but all require focus
  11. 19. A discipline for posers