Movement of the Earth Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. The _________ is an example of fossil evidence.
  2. 7. Alfred Wegener created his theory in the _______ century.
  3. 9. The mantle is _______ which allows the the plates to move.
  4. 10. Plate __________ is Alfred Wegeners theory.
  5. 12. _______ evidence states that ancient plants and animals were found on opposite sides of the oceans.
  6. 13. The Earth is made up of many ______.
  7. 14. Glacial _________ formed about 300 million years ago.
  8. 17. When continents are reassembled as one land mass the fossils form a continues _________ pattern.
  1. 1. The plates ride next to each other on _______.
  2. 2. Glacieral __________ are scratches in bedrock made by rocks embedding in ice as glaciers move.
  3. 3. Pieces of the _________ mountain are found on many different land masses.
  4. 4. Other scientists thought Wegener was crazy because he had no _______.
  5. 6. Glaciers flowed from a _______ central point.
  6. 8. Fossil evidence was found on oppisite sides of the _________ ocean
  7. 9. Wegener said South America and West Africa were once connected like a _______.
  8. 11. Rocks and _______ are part of the geological fit piece of Alfred Wegener's theory.
  9. 12. Alfred Wegener found ______ pieces of evidence to prove his theory.
  10. 14. The theory of continental ______ was made years after Wegeners death.
  11. 15. The continents were once connected. This land mass was called ______.
  12. 16. Plates are made of ______ rock.