Movie Genres

  1. 2. Movie Genre about robots, aliens and science.
  2. 5. Movie Genre with showdowns and gunslingers.
  3. 8. Australian director known for setting horror trends.
  4. 9. Ben-Hur and Gladiator are 'Swords and _______' movies.
  5. 11. Movie Genre where people walk away from explosions.
  6. 12. Director known for thrillers and his cameos.
  7. 17. Style of comedy made by Mel Brooks.
  8. 20. Director known for high earning family films.
  9. 22. Star Wars is an example of a 'Space _______'.
  10. 23. Movie Genre about the most devastating times in world history.
  11. 24. Movie Genre where shady detectives drink and smoke.
  12. 25. Noir lighting is sometimes called '________ - cutter'.
  13. 26. Movie Genre often about Italian families.
  1. 1. Dracula, The Mummy and Frankenstein are ________ Monsters.
  2. 3. Movie Genre with wizards, dragons and orcs.
  3. 4. Movie Genre where people sing their feelings.
  4. 6. Movie Genre where school prom is the most important night in your life.
  5. 7. Movie Genre you watched with a babysitter.
  6. 9. Director known for crime epics.
  7. 10. Movie Genre where a masked man kills with a knife.
  8. 13. Movie Genre got jokes.
  9. 14. Movie Genre that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
  10. 15. The most popular movie genre right now.
  11. 16. __________ Westerns were directed by Italian directors.
  12. 18. Movie Genre based in the real world.
  13. 19. Movie Genre most likely to win Oscars.
  14. 20. Movie Genre where the underdog team makes a go of it.
  15. 21. Movie Genre based on quirky love stories.