Movie Terms

  1. 2. A special appearance by someone famous (5)
  2. 3. An individual who writes the review of a film (6)
  3. 6. The creative artist responsible for complete artistic control of all phases of a film's production (8)
  4. 10. The written text of the entire film (6)
  5. 11. The process of selecting, assembling and structuring many separate camera takes (7)
  6. 13. The chief of a movie production (8)
  7. 15. The art and technique of film photography (14)
  8. 18. A movie which is a huge success (11)
  9. 21. Type of a movie involving lots of songs instead of normal dialogue (7)
  10. 23. Refers to the spool for winding film (4)
  11. 24. Another word for the type of film (5)
  12. 25. A comedy film paying tribute or mocking an earlier film (5)
  1. 1. Refers to the degree of sharpness of an image (5)
  2. 4. Names of all people involved in making of the film, shown at the end (7)
  3. 5. A non-fiction/narrative film (11)
  4. 7. A short publicity preview or advertisement of a film (7)
  5. 8. The name given to the Academy Awards (5)
  6. 9. The words of a song (6)
  7. 12. A signal or sign for an actor to start performing (3)
  8. 14. Any spoken lines in a film by the actor/actress (8)
  9. 16. A break in the middle of a film (12)
  10. 17. The process of putting sound or dialogue of a movie after production (7)
  11. 19. A group of three films (7)
  12. 20. A male or female who plays a character role in a film (5)
  13. 22. Highest point of tension or anxiety which the lead faces (6)