Movie Trivia

  1. 5. ________ Activity.
  2. 6. The current James Bond. (6,5)
  3. 7. How many Shrek films are there?
  4. 9. James Cameron won an oscar for directing this film.
  5. 10. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are the main characters of which 4 part saga?
  6. 12. Pirate Johnny Depp is famous for playing.(4,7)
  7. 15. Will Smith's alien trilogy.(3,2,5)
  8. 16. The Dark Knight features which superhero?
  9. 17. Starwars : Return of the _____.
  10. 19. Billionaire Avenger who wears a metal suit.
  1. 1. The Lord of the Rings was filmed here.(3,7)
  2. 2. The man who must not be named (Harry Potter Films)
  3. 3. Nickname of Hollywood's most beautiful couple.
  4. 4. Black Swan starred Mila Kunis and _________.(8,7)
  5. 7. What is the Social Network about?
  6. 8. The Good, the Bad and the _____.
  7. 11. What does James Bond drink ?
  8. 13. 500 Days of _______.
  9. 14. Where is "The Hangover" set? (3,5)
  10. 18. Toy Story's main character.