
  1. 2. PO TAO TOS?
  2. 4. Want the stick, want the stick
  3. 5. Diamonds in that plain and oh the mafia + my wife
  4. 8. I drink the bowl of water with a spoon, I don't wash my hands with it. Cool helicopter.
  5. 9. Got you pushing too many pencils?
  6. 10. It's all about the spice
  7. 12. I blend beetles
  8. 13. KAHN!
  1. 1. Monkey kill
  2. 2. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  3. 3. Youre going to get on that plane
  4. 6. Punchy
  5. 7. It's in your nature to destroy yourselves
  6. 11. Sand