
  1. 1. We don't talk about ____, no, no, no.
  2. 6. AAAAh, Zabenya!
  3. 7. There's seven ______
  4. 8. It's wingardium leviosa.
  5. 10. A yellow family... the dad likes donuts.
  6. 12. This movie has a character that steals Christmas!
  7. 13. Clap twice.
  8. 14. When I grow up...
  1. 2. Under the sea...
  2. 3. She wakes up in her own pink world.
  3. 4. He does whatever a ____ can.
  4. 5. Feelings are people!
  5. 9. You're welcome!
  6. 10. Long lost sisters.
  7. 11. A very long snooze.