
  1. 1. Small, colorful, perpetually happy creatures who like to sing, dance, and hug all-day
  2. 5. Yellow Tic Tac like creatures w/ overalls
  3. 7. It's a movie with a long-haired maiden stuck in a tower.
  4. 9. A 70s movie about a killer shark
  5. 10. Disney movie with a grumpy old man and a boy scout.
  6. 12. Who ives in a pineapple under the sea?
  7. 14. A movie about vampires and werewolves
  8. 17. It's a movie about Turkeys traveling back in time.
  9. 20. A brown bear that is at a pizza restaurant
  10. 22. Pink doll played by Margot Robbie
  11. 23. Will Smith in a black suit
  12. 25. Quote from the movie: “On Wednesdays, we wear Pink.”
  13. 26. One of the most famous DC superheroes
  14. 27. “My Heart Will Go On” was famous for this movie
  15. 28. _____ _____ Panda
  1. 2. The man who creates the nuke
  2. 3. This Disney princess lost her glass slipper
  3. 4. Hawaiian girl with a blue alien
  4. 6. Famous Hawaiian actor who was casted as Aquaman
  5. 8. A movie with Tom Cruise and the Navy.
  6. 11. Disney movie that takes place in Hawaii
  7. 12. A boy born with a gem on his belly
  8. 13. A Disney movie about racing.
  9. 15. Big lizard that walks on legs that shoots blue stuff out of their mouth
  10. 16. Ryan Reynold’s Marvel alter-ego
  11. 18. Long-haired princess with a witch mom
  12. 19. A genre of horror that deals with ghosts, zombies, demons, etc..,
  13. 21. A movie about a teenage girl and her inner feelings.
  14. 24. Slapped by Will Smith