
  1. 5. Bounty hunter equipped with beskar armor
  2. 9. Feline transportation vehicle from the movie "Totoro"
  3. 10. very sparkly creature from the movie Trolls
  4. 11. Man trapped in a video game
  5. 12. norse trickster god
  6. 13. friendly forest spirit
  1. 1. princess in the Star Wars series
  2. 2. the real good songwriter in "coco"
  3. 3. Screaming plant from Harry Potter
  4. 4. First name of a mouse from Disney
  5. 6. transforming merchild from a Disney movie
  6. 7. Lovable dog from Sound of the sea
  7. 8. nickname of protagonist in "Home"
  8. 11. friend of Mickey Mouse, whose catchphrase is "gawrsh!"