Movies On Politics

  1. 3. look-alike takes place of comatose us president, uncovers scandal
  2. 4. long-time mayor loses reelection bid to enemy's young son
  3. 5. young CA activist runs for senate, wins unexpectedly
  4. 7. the rise and fall of an idealistic-but-ruthless politician in the American South, patterned after Louisiana Governor Huey Long
  5. 9. man has great success in his chosen field of crooked politics, but endangers it all in one crazy moment of honesty.
  1. 1. senate confirmation hearings of candidate for sec of state who lied about Communist affiliation when younger
  2. 2. woman newspaper magnate wants tycoon-lover to run for pres. with her as power behind the throne, uses paper to promote lover
  3. 5. principled sec of state with dark past vs. right-wing demagogue sen. for pres. nomination
  4. 6. disillusioned liberal politician puts contract out on himself, uses opportunity to be bluntly honest with his voters by affecting odd means of communicating to them
  5. 8. biopic of popular pres. beset by scandal in 2nd term