
  1. 3. devices which shows where the north and south are
  2. 4. kind of elegant person
  3. 6. they are used once a criminal has been arrested
  4. 9. synonym stinky
  5. 10. wearing no shoes
  6. 11. when you are so affected by everyday situations
  7. 13. a bed with wheels
  8. 15. place where a plane lands
  9. 17. opposite of love
  1. 1. when someone whistles to a gorgeous woman
  2. 2. being rude
  3. 5. this nose is made by a dog
  4. 7. a front opening ina blouse or dress
  5. 8. synonym lick
  6. 12. a bid bird that eats scavenger
  7. 14. a stuff used once you have a broken bone
  8. 16. synonym brilliant