MPA Reflection

  1. 3. I appreciated having the ________ classes that allowed open dialogue and the ability to create relationships with my peers.
  2. 9. My most used project that I referred to back while working on my capstone project.
  3. 10. I enjoyed going to ________, which is a school that was involved and provided engagement within the community.
  4. 13. What you put in, is what you get ____ of this program. It takes work, time, and motivation to stay on top of assignments and readings, but when you put in the effort, you obtain knowledge that you can use forever.
  5. 14. It is important to me to grow and learn as a person even when I am finished with school, so I will continue to get certificates, attend conferences, and read ______ about the nonprofit sector.
  6. 15. As the workforce continues to grow and be competitive, I wanted a _______ that showed I was dedicated and knowledgeable in the nonprofit sector and I would be a reliable professional.
  7. 16. I chose to get my Master’s because I wanted the knowledge and skillset to have a place at the table and make a __________.
  8. 17. A person who was insightful, raw, and open to discussing her leadership and mental health with me for a class assignment.
  9. 18. A program that allowed me to grow my nonprofit knowledge.
  10. 22. The nonprofit ____________ gave me the tools and ability to apply it to real world experiences in the nonprofit sector.
  11. 23. The pandemic and being virtual made it hard to connect with ______ sometimes, but I realized I made good connections and better relationships than I thought I would have going into this program.
  12. 24. I wish I would have looked at doing a ______ degree or adding in some Lilly School of Philanthropy classes during my time obtaining my MPA.
  13. 25. A class that allowed me to grow personally and reflect on myself and future.
  1. 1. Watched this TED talk speaker in three different classes about “The way we think about Charity is Dead Wrong”. I have mixed reviews about this speaker, but overall appreciated the message this video gives.
  2. 2. Working with organizations and __________ throughout the community provided realistic insight and better opportunity to learn class materials.
  3. 4. I always dreaded these assignments but looking back they are some of my best learning experiences and projects during my MPA program because we could bounce ideas off and learn from each other.
  4. 5. In 2018, when I applied for the MPA program, I was looking to gain __________ and the ability to voice my opinion.
  5. 6. Most challenging class that was out of my comfort zone, but was engaging and made me think outside the box.
  6. 7. After this program I am prepared for increased responsibility and leadership in an organization.
  7. 8. In this class, I wrote my favorite paper which was about the policy on drug testing school teachers.
  8. 11. Sometimes I struggled with how broad and complex the _______ sector can truly be.
  9. 12. Some classes used the same material or resources and I felt like I had _________ topics in a couple of my classes.
  10. 19. Only had two and a half semesters in person because of this. Brought challenges, but proud to have continued to work full time, deal with family, and school during this.
  11. 20. When I started this program, time ___________ was hard for me and I had to adjust to being a student again.
  12. 21. Favorite group project topic I ever worked on.