MRI Anatomy Review

  1. 4. How many major muscles work together to control the movement of the eye?
  2. 8. The deepest meningeal layer of the skull.
  3. 9. This gland produces tears.
  4. 11. This fat surrounds the muscular and vascular structures within the orbit.
  5. 13. This ventricle is located midline inferior to the lateral ventricles.
  6. 14. The short, superior border that articulates with the nasal part of the frontal bone.
  7. 16. The optic ____ is where the optic nerves cross.
  8. 18. The middle meningeal membrane.
  9. 21. The ____ cerebelli separates the cerebellum into two hemispheres.
  10. 23. The only paranasal sinus that is absent at birth.
  11. 24. The largest portion of the brain.
  12. 25. This cistern contains the optic nerve, optic chiasm, and the circle of Willis.
  13. 27. The thin plate of bone situated in the midsagittal plane of the floor of the nasal cavity.
  14. 28. What analogy can you use to differentiate between white and grey matter?
  1. 1. Arch shaped gyrus.
  2. 2. CSF is produced in the ____ plexuses.
  3. 3. How many facial bones are there?
  4. 5. The space between the cranium and the dura mater.
  5. 6. The fourth ventricle is a ____-shaped cavity located anterior to the cerebellum.
  6. 7. What process forms 3/4 of the hard palate.
  7. 10. The body, temporal, and occipital horns join to form the ____.
  8. 12. The deep fissure that divides the brain into the right and left hemispheres.
  9. 15. The largest of the immovable bones of the face.
  10. 17. The largest of all the paranasal sinuses.
  11. 19. Clear, colourless liquid that protects the brain and spinal cord against injuries.
  12. 20. Part of the occipital bone at the base of the skull.
  13. 22. The shape of the maxillary sinus.
  14. 26. The number of bones that join to make the bony orbit.
  15. 29. The temporal process and the zygomatic process forms the zygomatic ____.