Mrs. Tidwell's World History Review!

  1. 7. This is when cultures mix and interact - it was a vocabulary word we discussed every unit!
  2. 8. Perhaps the greatest warrior queen of all time, this Mongolian married a 19 year old trophy prince, had 8 kids, and expanded her empire through bloody battles.
  3. 9. Mrs. Tidwell's #1 heroic historical figure, she was queen of two countries and outlived her husband.
  4. 10. According to the legend, these are how Cleopatra died.
  5. 11. The last of Henry's six wives, this Catherine was the first queen to have a book published in her own name.
  6. 12. Why should you hold the door open for girls? Because this code says so.
  1. 1. If you don't agree that he was the greatest writer of all time, nobody marks you.
  2. 2. The only man on Mrs. Tidwell's list of historical heroes, he selflessly led the Greeks at Thermopylae.
  3. 3. This Sumerian hero isn't as heroic when compared to modern standards.
  4. 4. The fourth of his name, this Egyptian pharaoh changed his name to Akenhaten.
  5. 5. This iceman was murdered with an arrow in the back!
  6. 6. This was The Buddha's first name when he was a Hindu prince.