Mrs. Webb's Class Lab Safety

  1. 3. Report any _______ items to your teacher before starting a lab.
  2. 6. Using your hand to blow the smell towards you instead of directly smelling it
  3. 8. Uses water to flush the eyes after a chemical splash or glass shard that is causing severe harm
  4. 9. It is important to know the _________ of all safety items. This includes the First Aid Kit, Evacuation Map, and shower.
  5. 10. Never leave a heat source __________. This includes hot plates, lit candles, and more
  1. 1. Used to keep chemicals and substances out of eyes
  2. 2. Smothers small fires by removing oxygen from the flame
  3. 4. all _________ should be reported to the teacher as soon as they are found.
  4. 5. _________ is never allowed in the lab. It can be dangerous for you and other students.
  5. 7. Pulled to put out fire or wash toxic chemicals off your body