MS Bible
- 2. First book of the new Testament
- 3. Bible doctrine that God is three in one
- 6. How many days Jesus was dead before the resurrection
- 8. Where Jesus was born
- 10. The road where Saul met with Jesus before becoming Paul
- 12. The sea God parted when the Israelites left Egypt
- 13. Missing the mark
- 15. The last book of the Bible
- 18. The disciple who denied Jesus three times
- 19. Jesus earthly fathers name
- 22. Abstaining from food for a period of time for a spiritual purpose
- 24. First book of the Bible
- 1. How many disciples Jesus had
- 4. Who God asked to build the ark
- 5. Where Jesus' first miracle took place _______ at Cana
- 7. Where Jesus grew up
- 9. The title of our class: ______ and practical living
- 11. First key principle: ________ is king
- 14. Holiday where we celebrate Jesus' resurrection
- 16. Mr S' favorite sports team
- 17. Mr S' first name
- 20. Talking with God
- 21. How many thousand people did Jesus feed with the loaves and fishes
- 23. The Bible study of Angels