Ms. Hoyt's class

  1. 1. reads books
  2. 3. boxes
  3. 5. plays video games too
  4. 7. Hoyt likes pigs
  5. 8. plays soccer
  6. 9. sings tenor
  7. 10. draws
  8. 11. can speak 2 languages
  9. 12. writes poetry
  10. 14. plays video games
  11. 17. likes fashion
  12. 18. likes gymnastics
  1. 1. builds things out of wood
  2. 2. tap dances
  3. 4. has dimples in her smile
  4. 6. can do a front cartwheel
  5. 10. goes to movies
  6. 11. throws clay pots
  7. 13. can fish
  8. 15. likes to go to the beach
  9. 16. plays violin