Ms. McGinley's Back to School Crossword Puzzle!

  1. 4. Please come to class every day __________.
  2. 6. Every student in this class will have an __________ reading book.
  3. 8. Which Canvas tab is Ms. McGinley's email address located in?
  4. 10. Makeup work is your _____________.
  5. 11. What is the #1 expectation for class?
  6. 14. What is Ms. McGinley's favorite football team?
  1. 1. Treat everyone in this classroom with ______.
  2. 2. Which Canvas tab are our daily class agendas located in?
  3. 3. Every day before you enter class, your laptop must be fully __________.
  4. 5. Obtaining the grade you want depends on how much __________ that you put in.
  5. 7. Where do you go to check your grades?
  6. 9. If you have a question, simply _____!
  7. 12. Where can you find all of our class materials and resources?
  8. 13. ______________ is worth 40% of your final grade.