Ms. R's Level 5 RV Test 2 Vocab Review

  1. 3. People may __________ their native languages if they think they are useless
  2. 5. There are so few members of some plant species left that they are in danger of becoming ____________.
  3. 7. Some researchers hope that plants from the Amazon rain forest can provide a ________ for cancer.
  4. 10. Doctor Harrison argued that the natural knowledge of indigenous peoples is being __________ to make money off of.
  5. 12. The __________ people of the Amazon know more about its native plants than researchers from other countries do.
  6. 13. Many of the challenges that are___________ the world can be solved if we work together.
  7. 14. The loss of large parts of the rain forest has reduced the ____________ of many native Amazon species.
  1. 1. People can still ______ some traditional knowledge even if they give up some of their old ways of doing things.
  2. 2. You can help _____ water by taking a shorter shower!
  3. 4. In one possible ___________, a student with a 78% in class could make a 90% on the final exam and pass!
  4. 6. It is ___________ for college students to have chosen a major by their second year.
  5. 8. Fears of rapid climate change give many scientists a sense of _________ about gathering rare seeds and shoots while there is still time.
  6. 9. Crops are always in danger of __________ diseases and natural disasters that will destroy all of them at once.
  7. 11. The Global Seed Vault in Norway is trying to _________ many smaller collections of rare plant seeds and shoots from all over the world into one large collection.
  8. 15. Many groups have made a ________ away from the traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle.