Ms. V.'s Science: Procedures & Expectations

  1. 3. Ms. V. is happy when students are _________.
  2. 6. Let's _____!
  3. 7. You will be given time in _____ to complete any missing work.
  4. 9. You can _____ a test/quiz if you did not pass or had an excused absence.
  5. 11. Bring your _______ Chromebook to school every day.
  6. 12. When Ms. V. says "class," you say ______.
  7. 17. Wolves in Yellowstone are an example of this
  8. 18. Enter the classroom/lab ________ and get right to work.
  9. 20. Having a _________ attitude will help you learn better.
  1. 1. Make _______ choices.
  2. 2. Teachers last name
  3. 4. Come to class _______ with all supplies.
  4. 5. Raise your hand for permission to ______ your seat.
  5. 8. Unit 3 we will learn about this topic
  6. 10. Make sure all your _______ are turned in on time.
  7. 13. You must follow all lab _____ guidelines when completing labs.
  8. 14. Follow directions _______.
  9. 15. Having a ______ mindset means that "failure" is just a step to success.
  10. 16. Raise your hand for permission to ______.
  11. 19. Begin working ________ after entering the lab.