Ms. Zapata's Class

  1. 2. this girl has long curly hair; the only female dominican
  2. 5. the second tallest boy; always with his tablet and soccer ball
  3. 7. this boy entered at the end of september; from honduras and always wears a blue sweater
  4. 8. this boy loves to do drawings of creatures and pokemon
  5. 11. the shortest girl in the class; likes to take my things
  6. 16. the quietest girl in class;has passed the most lessons in Zearn
  7. 18. The only Colombian student; this girl has glasses and likes to take pictures
  8. 19. she likes to use a deep voice and another name; she draws a lot
  9. 20. this boy loves hello kitty and dance; its easy to carry him
  10. 21. this girl has pink cheeks and she likes to write her own stories
  11. 22. this girls uses glasses and likes Tik Tok dances; her desk is very decorated
  12. 23. the last girl to enter the class; originally from ecuador
  13. 25. The last boy to enter our class; the youngest in the class
  1. 1. The tallest girl in the class; uses glasses and has pink hair
  2. 3. This boy likes that they call him "peter anguila"
  3. 4. this boy loves kpop; the tallest of the class; originally in Ms. Nunez
  4. 6. this is the second tallest girl in the class and she is from connecticut; has three teachers
  5. 9. he always has a mask on; talented dancer
  6. 10. this girl loves to dance and has kittens as pets
  7. 12. this boy loves futbol and is from honduras
  8. 13. this boy loves anime y manga; wants to go to art school
  9. 14. The girl with the longest hair in the class; likes to drink water
  10. 15. this boy is the quietest of the class; is from guatemala and loves futbol
  11. 17. this girl talks three languages; she likes youtube and drawing
  12. 24. this boy has 4 letters in his name; he loves soccer and drawing trees