MSHA 24HR New Miner Training - Day 2

  1. 2. Can be suppressed with water or engineering controls such as vacuums.
  2. 5. A hazard that can cause permanent hearing loss if exposed to high levels for long periods of time.
  3. 6. Acronym used to remember how to use a fire extinguisher.
  4. 8. Frequency that fit testing is required for breathing apparatuses.
  5. 9. Machines fitted with guards and e-stops that are generally used for transporting rock.
  6. 11. The number of minutes recommended an employee take to determine potential hazards before performing a non-routine task.
  7. 13. Type of traffic sign that is a red triangle
  8. 14. An area where items deemed unnecessary for the department are placed to give others the opportunity to have them.
  1. 1. Fire extinguishers are inspected __________ and annually.
  2. 2. Does not require fit testing to wear this if it is not a required piece of PPE for the task being performed.
  3. 3. A space that requires a permit to enter due to limited entry abilities, and atmospheric or other physical hazards.
  4. 4. Defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products and communicates health and safety information on labels and safety data sheets.
  5. 7. Type of metal that was mined in the Sunshine Mine
  6. 10. Number of fire extinguishers that an employee can use to put out a fire.
  7. 12. Abbreviation for the piece of PPE that required to perform designated tasks in high-dust environments.