MSPS 540 - Vygotsky Activity

  1. 4. Development follows a __________process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.
  2. 6. What is more important than product?
  3. 8. what is the most important psychological tool?
  4. 9. Zone of __________ Development
  5. 10. Child-in-_________-in-Cultural Context
  1. 1. Term for between-minds plane of mental activity
  2. 2. Shared beliefs, values, knowledge, worldview, structured relationships, skills, ways of doing things (customs), and socialization practices are called...
  3. 3. Term for more skilled people supporting a child's emerging skills
  4. 5. What group was Vygotsky a part of alongside Luria and Leontiev?
  5. 7. What is the worldview of sociocultural theories?