MTH #29 Christmas in Camelot, Vocab ch1-8
- 1. we can't see it
- 5. when a horse runs fast
- 6. to laugh at someone; to make fun of someone
- 9. a large field with lots of grass and flowers
- 11. time of day when the sun rises or sets
- 13. a story that may or may not be true
- 14. to make a rule that something is not allowed
- 15. empty; nobody is there
- 16. asking someone to come to a special event
- 2. to drink with noisy sounds
- 3. a country with a king or queen
- 4. dark; sad; lonely
- 7. frozen ball of ice and dust that goes around the sun
- 8. the bones in your back
- 10. you feel like your head is spinning
- 11. to fall over; to roll over
- 12. very old; from a long time ago