Muhammad R period 6

  1. 8. Text files with small pieces of data
  2. 9. a collection of instructions, programs, and data that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks
  3. 13. Desktop Apps software programs that run stand alone or locally on computer devices
  4. 15. Is cloud storage which allows you to create and store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud
  1. 1. Refers to the physical elements of a computer
  2. 2. Used to connect computers with peripheral devices
  3. 3. an application for accessing websites and the Internet
  4. 4. Another word for the internet
  5. 5. is what comes between the @ in your email address
  6. 6. An area on a Web page that, when clicked on with a mouse, will transport the user to another Web page.
  7. 7. a worldwide network that links computers
  8. 10. a type of image file that is commonly used on the internet
  9. 11. a file format that provides an electronic image of text or text and graphics that looks like a printed document
  10. 12. Suite A collection of commonly used software developed by Microsoft
  11. 14. the address of a web page.