Multiple Intelligences

  1. 4. may keep a personal diary; likes quiet time to reflect; a goal-setter; enjoys fishing or solitary activities; you work for yourself
  2. 5. plays a musical instrument; sings on key; remembers a tune quickly; often listens to music
  3. 6. enjoys working with other people; enjoys group games; active social life; likes to take the lead and show others how to get things done
  4. 7. plays a sport or exercises regularly; likes thrilling rides; likes phys ed; like physical play; uses body language and hand gestures to communicate
  5. 8. ponders life and death issues; curious about faith and religion; strong inner conviction; organizes service projects; considers big issues
  6. 9. has an appreciation of the arts; likes to take videos and pictures; likes visual games; enjoys art and geometry; makes a point through diagrams and drawings
  1. 1. likes pets; knows types of trees, flowers, plants; would like being a farmer, gardener, outdoorsman; interested in biology, social issues, psychology; interested in conservation
  2. 2. enjoys working with numbers; can do mental calculations; likes math and science; enjoys puzzles that require logical thinking
  3. 3. enjoys word play; has a big vocabulary; prefers subjects such as English and history; good at debate; good telling stories and writing