Muscle and Skeletal system

  1. 5. the prime mover, the muscle whose primary function is that particular movement
  2. 6. Membrane that cover the bone and contains osteoblasts
  3. 7. Includes the ribs, sternum, and vertebral bones
  4. 9. Type of muscle tissue found in internal organs
  5. 12. when stimulated muscles respond by contracting
  6. 13. ability to return to its normal shape after being stretched or contracted
  7. 17. made up of actin and myosin myofilaments
  8. 18. Type of muscle contraction where the muscle stays the same length
  9. 20. Type of muscle tissue attached to bones
  10. 21. tissue is composed of:Inorganic salts (calcium phosphate)Water organic material (bone cells, blood vessels, nerves, and collagen)
  11. 22. skeleton Includes 80 bones of the head and trunk Appendicular skeleton includes 126 bones of the pelvis, shoulders, arms, and legs
  12. 23. Type of bones that include the arms and legs
  13. 24. Shaft of the long bone
  1. 1. protein which forms the thick filaments
  2. 2. Bones are joined to muscles by
  3. 3. Type of muscle contraction where the muscle shortens
  4. 4. protein which forms the thin filaments
  5. 5. a muscle who has the opposite movement of the agonist
  6. 8. ability to be stretched
  7. 10. groups of muscle fibers encased in the perimysium
  8. 11. Type of joint that is freely movable
  9. 14. Type of muscle contraction where the muscle lengthens
  10. 15. Type of muscle tissue in the heart
  11. 16. Bones are attached to other bones by
  12. 19. Type of cavity that contains osteoclasts