Muscular Skeletal system

  1. 5. The knee joint is this kind of joint
  2. 8. Muscles that work together to perform a movement are called this_______:
  3. 9. The connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
  4. 11. The Muscles that move bones under voluntary control.
  5. 13. The primary muscle that facilitates breathing
  6. 18. The "powerhouse" of the muscle cell, responsible for producing ATP
  7. 19. The condition in which the spine curves sideways is known as
  8. 22. The type of muscle contraction that occurs when the muscle lengthens?
  9. 26. The term describes the minimum stimulus needed to cause a muscle fiber to contract?
  10. 28. The bone that protects the brain
  11. 29. When muscle gets smaller due to lack of use or nerve damage is called _______
  12. 30. The thin filament in a muscle fiber is primarily composed of this
  13. 31. The number of ribs in a typical human rib cage is
  14. 32. The connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibers
  1. 1. This type of bone is responsible for providing structural support to the body
  2. 2. A condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle
  3. 3. The hip joint is this kind of joint
  4. 4. The muscle group that is primarily responsible for the movement of the quadriceps?
  5. 6. The bones of the fingers and toes are classified as:
  6. 7. The primary source of energy for muscle contraction?
  7. 10. The muscle responsible for raising the arm sideways away from the body
  8. 12. The build-up of this kind of acid is the primary cause of Muscle fatigue
  9. 14. This substance breaks the bond between actin and myosin
  10. 15. The bones that are directly part of the Skull, vertebral column, and rib cage are called this.
  11. 16. The protein that is primarily responsible for muscle contraction?
  12. 17. The state of continuous partial contraction of the muscle. It is called Muscle_______
  13. 20. The type of muscle that is responsible for moving food through the digestive tract.
  14. 21. The connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
  15. 23. The kind of muscle found in the heart
  16. 24. The kind of cells that form a structure found in the nose and ears
  17. 25. The scientific name for the shoulder blade is:
  18. 27. The kind of muscle found in the body’s hollow organs
  19. 31. The muscle that works opposite to the biceps during arm extension?