- 1. The instrument family that uses strings to make sound
- 7. "Soft" in music
- 8. "Fast" in music
- 11. A note where nothing is played
- 14. "Slow" in music
- 15. Music element meaning "loudness and softness"
- 2. Music element meaning "speed"
- 3. A note worth two beats
- 4. "Loud" in music
- 5. The instrument family that you hit or shake to make sound
- 6. The first solfege syllable
- 9. The name of the clef at the beginning of the staff
- 10. A note worth four beats
- 11. Music element meaning "notes and rests"
- 12. The five lines that music is written on
- 13. Music element meaning "highness and lowness"