  1. 1. The instrument family that uses strings to make sound
  2. 7. "Soft" in music
  3. 8. "Fast" in music
  4. 11. A note where nothing is played
  5. 14. "Slow" in music
  6. 15. Music element meaning "loudness and softness"
  1. 2. Music element meaning "speed"
  2. 3. A note worth two beats
  3. 4. "Loud" in music
  4. 5. The instrument family that you hit or shake to make sound
  5. 6. The first solfege syllable
  6. 9. The name of the clef at the beginning of the staff
  7. 10. A note worth four beats
  8. 11. Music element meaning "notes and rests"
  9. 12. The five lines that music is written on
  10. 13. Music element meaning "highness and lowness"