Music Crossword Puzzle
- 2. Means end and marks the end of a piece.
- 3. Speeding up and slowing down as the conductor or soloist wishes.
- 4. A curved line used to group two or more notes together and indicates you should glide smoothly between the notes.
- 6. A musical tempo that is walking pace.
- 8. When the dynamis level grows louder.
- 9. Small arc with dot beneath it that means you should hold the note out longer than usual.
- 10. When the tempo gets slower.
- 12. Soft/Quiet
- 13. Five parallel lines used for notation.
- 15. A rhythmic effect where notes on weak beats are emphasized.
- 19. Category of music.
- 20. Signature Collection of accidentals at the beginning of a staff that tell which noted should be played sharp or flat.
- 22. A curved line used to connect two notes of the same pitch. The length of both notes are combined into one.
- 24. Tempo that is moderate.
- 25. A number that features more than one person.
- 26. Speed a piece of music is played at.
- 27. A number that features one person.
- 1. A period of silence in a piece of music.
- 2. Loud/Strong
- 5. To play notes loud and forcefully.
- 7. When the tempo grows faster in the course of a piece.
- 11. The interval between a pitch and its repetition 8 lines above or below on the staff.
- 14. Very Loud
- 15. Means to separate notes and play them short and sharp.
- 16. A grouping of three or more pitches.
- 17. Means to play notes smooth and connected.
- 18. A musical tempo that is fast.
- 21. Time A time signature that means 4/4.
- 23. Putting emphasis on a particular note.
- 24. Forte Somewhat Loud