Music Elements and Music Genres

  1. 3. forte: A dynamic marking indicating medium loudness.
  2. 6. A loud dynamic marking.
  3. 9. A genre of music often associated with heavy guitar use.
  4. 10. The element of music involving changes in loudness and softness.
  5. 11. The steady pulse in music.
  6. 12. The category of sounds like piano, guitar, or drums.
  7. 14. The speed of the beat in music.
  8. 16. piano: A dynamic marking indicating medium softness.
  9. 18. A soft dynamic marking.
  10. 19. A dynamic marking indicating very soft.
  1. 1. A slow, relaxing genre of music.
  2. 2. The voice or instrument that produces a sound.
  3. 4. The highness or lowness of a note.
  4. 5. A very loud dynamic marking.
  5. 7. The quality of sound that describes how many layers of music are heard.
  6. 8. A genre of music with simple melodies and often acoustic instruments.
  7. 13. The overall emotion or feeling of a song.
  8. 15. A popular genre of music that often dominates charts.
  9. 17. A rhythmic genre of music often with spoken lyrics.