Music Symbols

  1. 3. highest female voice
  2. 4. lowest female voice
  3. 7. black note, with a stem; 1 beat
  4. 9. lowers the pitch 1/2 step
  5. 10. 5 lines and 4 spaces
  6. 12. tells the number of beats in a measure
  7. 14. indicates higher pitches; usually female voices
  8. 18. the rate of speed in the music
  9. 19. white note, with a stem; 2 beats
  10. 20. raises the pitch 1/2 step
  1. 1. divides the staff into measures
  2. 2. indicates lower pitches; usually male voices
  3. 5. indicates the end of the song
  4. 6. white note, no stem; 4 beats
  5. 8. gradually softer
  6. 11. black note, stem and flag; 1/2 beat
  7. 13. indicates a section of music to repeat
  8. 15. the organization of sound in time
  9. 16. lowest male voice
  10. 17. gradually louder
  11. 18. highest male voice